Choosing the right shed for you
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So you are looking to install a new panel fence on your property, but what do you need to install one? Here we’ll take a look at the essentials you will need in order to put your fence up properly.
Fence panels
It may seem like the most obvious thing, but purchase fence panels that are suitable for the space you are wanting to add them to. Is robustness and privacy your main priority, or something with more of a design element? Our own range of panels – including Lap panels and Closeboard panels, as well as our range of decorative panels would be an ideal choice.
Fence posts
Order your fence posts 600mm longer than your panels to allow for the amount that needs to go into the ground. It is critical that you order posts that have been pressure treated for ground contact, otherwise known as Use Class 4 treatment, such as our incised PermaTimber® posts. Most UC4 posts will come with a service life guarantee. 75 x 75mm posts are generally fine for decorative or Lap panels, but 100 x 100mm posts are better for Closeboard panels or heavier duty panels.
Post mix
Post mix, or postcrete, is a mix of cement, sand and other additives that creates a rapid setting solid base around your fence posts. It’s suggested that you use a bag of postcrete per post, however, we tend to recommend 2 bags per post from our experience so be sure that you have enough for your project.
Fixtures and fittings
Ensure that the fixtures and fittings that you purchase are suitable for the particular type of fencing that you are looking to put up. If you make sure that you have the right ones before you start, you can avoid further effort and expenditure once the project is underway. When buying your fence panels and posts, please do talk to us about getting the right fixtures and fittings to go with your purchases, as we want your project to be a success, too. Screws, panels clips, nails, spirit levels and a range of other accessories are available from our store or our website.
The right tools
The right tools can make all the difference. Consider your options for items such as traditional or powered saws, a power drill, a spirit level, a sturdy shovel or fencers graft, a tape measure, safety glasses, work gloves, a wheelbarrow, a hammer, pencils/markers and perhaps some tarpaulin to put the ground that you’ve dug out onto. The latter would make it easier to get the waste ground tidied up and moved away.
It may be best to create a checklist of the items you need to install the particular fencing products that you choose. This will help to make sure you don’t miss anything before you install your fence.
Of course, if you would like any advice on getting in touch with trusted contractors to carry out the installation of your new fence, please get in touch so we can help you out via our trusted Installer Network.
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