22mm x 100mm Feather Edged Boards
Cut from 22mm x 100mm boards, these feather edged boards…
This was a particularly challenging project. Years of neglect had left the boundary site in a poor state of repair, badly overgrown and interspersed with piles of debris which all needed removing before work could commence.
Dean Smith recommended installing a Feather Edge Closeboard Fencing along the boundary as this not only offered clean and tidy continual lines but also the security and privacy that were required by the customer.
Given the ground conditions and with future maintenance in mind, the posts were supported using concrete repair spurs.
A particularly challenging project. Years of neglect had left the boundary site in a poor state of repair. Piles of debris needed removing before work could commence.
Dean Smith
DBS Fencing and Landscapes
For installation details, please visit dbsfencinganddriveways.co.uk call Dean at DBS on 07525 164256 email dean@dbsfencinganddriveways.co.uk or visit https://www.facebook.com/74dean/.
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